Big Sky - Page 3

This Will Not Be Forgiven - With her life on the line, Jenny makes a violent decision that puts a Bhullar target on her back; but as she closes in on the family, Veer questions his children's ability to lead and makes a major personnel decision that will change everything. Meanwhile, a grieving father tears up the town over his son's death; and Cassie returns, ready for a fresh start, considering just how Lindor might factor into it.
Dead Man's Float - As Jenny urgently attempts to prove the Bhullars are involved in the drug-related death of a teenager, her suspicions about Travis continue to grow, putting their relationship on thin ice. Meanwhile, Veer discloses the real reason behind his visit to Montana, and a surprise visitor resurfaces strong feelings from Lindor's past.
The Shipping News - The kids may be free from the trouble they caused, but the Bhullars' reign continues as Jenny finds herself frustratingly stuck one step behind their crew's every move and Travis struggles to maintain the balancing act of his two lives. Elsewhere, Cassie reels from her final interaction with Ronald and decides to take some time off; meanwhile, the syndicate bares its teeth at Wolf.
A Good Boy - Determined to save Max and Rachel, Jenny reluctantly partners with T-lock but quickly learns not everyone deserves her trust. Meanwhile, with Cassie and Lindor close on their trail, Scarlett prepares to do whatever it takes to keep her and Ronald safe. Later, realizing their father has not laid all cards on the table, Ren and Jag form an unexpected alliance to uncover the truth.
Do No Harm - Situations turn dire all over town as Jenny races to find a missing Max and Rachel. Cassie and Lindor are forced to accept the help of a badly injured Wolf, and Ronald's injuries begin to get the better of him. Meanwhile, the Bhullar family has finally reunited, but the mysterious arrival of her father has escalated Ren and Jag to a whole new level of sibling rivalry.
Happy Thoughts - Ren intervenes with Jenny's plan to bring Jag into custody, while Ronald and Scarlett work together to find safety in a new environment. Then, Cassie and Lindor discover the aftermath at the ranch and reluctantly join forces with a familiar face. Later, Jag and Ren, anxiously awaiting their father's visit, find themselves at odds about how to deal with the problem of Joseph's ranch.
Trust Issues - Reeling from the emotional news of Joseph's death, Jenny and Cassie desperately search for answers. After Bridger and Madison receive a threatening call from Ren, Max and Rachel take matters into their own hands, frantically deciding to confide in Jenny about the drugs and money. Elsewhere, Dietrich becomes hellbent on revenge following his discovery of Travis' betrayal; and Wolf and Agatha attempt to protect Phoebe, but thanks to Ronald, all does not go according to plan.