Brian Eno

Top Boy is the British television crime drama series, created and written by Ronan Bennett. The story follows two seasoned drug dealers return to the gritty streets of London, but their pursuit of money and power is threatened by a young and ruthless hustler. It stars Ashley Walters, Kane Robinson, and the 2020 BAFTA Rising Star Award-winning Michael Ward. The first two seasons aired between 2011 and 2013, but following interest from rapper Drake, Netflix announced in 2017 that it would revive the series. Co-produced by the Hotline Bling-rapper, the third and fourth season of Top Boy launched in 2019 and 2022.
Brian Peter George St John le Baptiste de la Salle Eno RDI (born Brian Peter George Eno, 15 May 1948) is an English musician, composer, record producer, visual artist, and theorist best known for his pioneering work in ambient music and contributions to rock, pop and electronica. A self-described "non-musician", Eno has helped introduce unique conceptual approaches and recording techniques to contemporary music. He has been described as one of popular music's most influential and innovative figures.
Brian Peter George St John le Baptiste de la Salle Eno RDI (born Brian Peter George Eno, 15 May 1948) is an English musician, composer, record producer, visual artist, and theorist best known for his pioneering work in ambient music and contributions to rock, pop and electronica. A self-described "non-musician", Eno has helped introduce unique conceptual approaches and recording techniques to contemporary music. He has been described as one of popular music's most influential and innovative figures.
Fripp & Eno is a musical side-project composed of Brian Eno and Robert Fripp. The duo have released four studio albums, beginning with the 1973 album No Pussyfooting. The music created by this pair is entirely instrumental and has made extensive use of Frippertronics, a tape delay technique, combined with Fripp's guitar, the Fripp Pedalboard and Frizzbox (with subsequent sound treatments by Eno) along with Eno playing various keyboards, synthesizers and modified Revox A77 tape recorders.
Brian Peter George St John le Baptiste de la Salle Eno RDI (born Brian Peter George Eno, 15 May 1948) is an English musician, composer, record producer, visual artist, and theorist best known for his pioneering work in ambient music and contributions to rock, pop and electronica. A self-described "non-musician", Eno has helped introduce unique conceptual approaches and recording techniques to contemporary music. He has been described as one of popular music's most influential and innovative figures.
Brian Peter George St John le Baptiste de la Salle Eno (born Brian Peter George Eno, 15 May 1948) is an English musician, record producer, visual artist, and theorist best known for his work in ambient music and contributions to rock, pop and electronica. A self-described "non-musician", Eno has helped introduce unique conceptual approaches and recording techniques to contemporary music. He has been described as one of popular music's most influential and innovative figures.
Brian Eno's soundtrack to Gary Hustwit's 2018 documentary of the same name about Dieter Rams is being released for the first time, via UMC this August. The documentary explored the life and legacy of pioneering industrial designer Dieter Rams, whose ethos revolved around unobtrusive, long-lasting and environmentally-friendly designs. For the soundtrack, Hustwit looked to Eno, sensing a "connection between Dieter's design sensibility and Brian's music," shares Hustwit.
25th anniversary reissue of this unique coming together of Brian Eno and ex-Public Image Limited bass player Jah Wobble, also featuring Jaki Liebezeit from Can on drums. Starting life as the soundtrack to Derek Jarman’s Glitterbug, Eno passed stereo mixes of the film cues to Wobble who embellished and built upon them to construct the Spinner tracks. The resulting fusion combines icy ambience with a kind of psychogeographical funk.