Ghosts - Page 5

Attic Girl - An ‘80s "mean girl" ghost named Stephanie, who died on her prom night, is awakened in the attic, triggering Sam to confront what happened on her own prom night. Also, Alberta discovers she has another special gift.
Trevor's Pants - The secret about Trevor's missing pants is finally revealed when his wealthy former friend comes to Woodstone Mansion to buy the timepiece Sam and Jay found on Elias Woodstone's corpse. Also, Thor decides to tell Flower how he feels about her.
Thorapy - When Sam and Jay have the ghosts bunk together to free up rooms for guests at the B&B, they learn that Thorfinn has been having night terrors, which inspires Sam to enlist a therapist to help him. Also, Isaac makes a big, personal revelation after he's compelled to seduce his new roommate, Hetty.
Ghostwriter - When Sasappis offers to help Sam complete the B&B website so they can start taking reservations, they butt heads over the creative direction. Also, Pete bonds with Jay over basketball until Jay makes a new living friend, and Flower attempts to be Pete's new basketball buddy.
The Vault - Just as Sam and Jay are set to host a friend's wedding that could get their B&B business off the ground, the ghost of Hetty's husband, Elias Woodstone (Matt Walsh), tries to ruin it.
Jay's Sister - When Jay's sister, Bela, comes to visit Sam and Jay after being dumped by her boyfriend, they're shocked to discover that she's communicating with someone they know on a dating app.
Sam's Mom - Sam and Jay travel to where Sam's mother, Sheryl (Rachael Harris), died to see if she's now a ghost. Also, Sasappis divulges a secret to his fellow ghosts that he overheard Sam and Jay discussing