Good Trouble - Page 3

You Know You Better Watch Out - After talking things through with Evan, Mariana reconsiders her situation-ship with Joaquin. Dennis has a change of heart about parenthood. Davia inspires her homeschool family to seek therapy. Isabella's parents bring her history to light.
A Penny With a Hole In It - The FCG try to hire Zelda as a brand influencer. Malika and Tracey work together on the Women's Shelter. Joaquin discovers that Jenna may be in a cult. Alice feels like she is behind in her career. Gael struggles with forgiving Isabella.
Pick a Side, Pick a Fight - The FCG's vote on who will lead their team. Davia settles into an academic rhythm with Elliot. Malika tries to get her boss on board with her Women's Center and argues with Angelica. Dennis struggles with exposing Ryan to The Coterie.
Baby, Just Say Yes - Alice and Sumi get caught up with TikTok challenges; Davia struggles with home schooling Elliot.
That's Me in the Spotlight - The FCGs give Mariana the ok to date Evan, but she is conflicted. Alice tries to gain the courage to go back on stage. Joaquin gets a tip on his sister's whereabouts. Isabella's parents propose a new idea for the baby.
I Don't Belong Here - Mariana helps Joaquin search for his sister. Meanwhile, the Revitalize girls make a decision regarding Bulk Beauty. We learn what happened on Alice's tour. Isabella and Gael get worrisome news.
Take These Chances - Mariana invites the RB girls to Bulk Beauty. Davia reaches out to Luca and invites him to stay at the Coterie. Malika's learning to play the game at work. Joaquin questions Dennis about his sister. Dennis asks Davia to work for him.
So This is What the Truth Feels Like - Mariana is in over her head when the Revitalize and FCGs cross paths at a pitch. Davia workshops her burlesque name around the Coterie. Lucia tells Malika she has feelings for her ex. Malika's proposal for the women's center gets approved.