
Succession is an American satirical dark comedy-drama television series created by Jesse Armstrong that aired on HBO from June 3, 2018, to May 28, 2023, for four seasons and 39 episodes. The series centers on the Roy family, the owners of Waystar RoyCo, a global media and entertainment conglomerate based in New York City, who are fighting for control of the company amid uncertainty about the health of the family's patriarch, Logan Roy (Brian Cox).
With Open Eyes - Ahead of the final board vote on the Waystar-GoJo deal, Kendall and Shiv try to shore up their opposing interests... and get a fix on the whereabouts of a physically and emotionally bruised Roman.
With Open Eyes - Ahead of the final board vote on the Waystar-GoJo deal, Kendall and Shiv try to shore up their opposing interests... and get a fix on the whereabouts of a physically and emotionally bruised Roman.
Church and State - As the family girds themselves for an emotional funeral, Kendall finds himself at odds with Rava... and inopportune news from Jess. Later, Shiv tries to reposition herself within a new political landscape, as Kendall rallies supporters to his side.
Church and State - As the family girds themselves for an emotional funeral, Kendall finds himself at odds with Rava... and inopportune news from Jess. Later, Shiv tries to reposition herself within a new political landscape, as Kendall rallies supporters to his side.
America Decides - On election night, Tom tries to manage an increasingly chaotic newsroom, while Kendall, Shiv, and Roman spar over the consequences of the result - for themselves, the company, and the country.
America Decides - On election night, Tom tries to manage an increasingly chaotic newsroom, while Kendall, Shiv, and Roman spar over the consequences of the result - for themselves, the company, and the country.
Tailgate Party - Hoping to work the angles on the GoJo deal, Kendall and Roman ask Shiv to invite a political insider to Logan's annual pre-election day party. Later, Connor considers whether to adjust his ambitions after receiving intel from the Mencken team, while Kendall and Roman catch wind of a potentially fortuitous scandal.