The Curse of Oak Island - Page 9

Season 09, Episode 21 - "A Lot of Secrets" A new theory suggests that Lot 8 may hide one of the most sought after religious artefacts in history.
Season 09, Episode 20 - "The Hedden Truth" The team finds more evidence of shipwrecks off the shores of Oak Island as they prepare for the most crucial dig of the quest.
Season 09, Episode 19 - "Shoal Me the Money" Newly discovered targets off the shore of Oak Island lead the team to believe there was a possible shipwreck; in the Money Pit, the fellowship is uncovering evidence that famed treasure hunter Robert Dunfield missed.
Season 09, Episode 18 - "Playing the Dunfield" Hot on the trail of the legendary Chappell Vault, the team gleans new information from the most notorious treasure hunting operation in the history of Oak Island.
Season 09, Episode 17 - "Blast from the Past" The team discovers an artifact which leads them to believe they are about to intercept the legendary Chappell Vault.
Season 09, Episode 16 - "Gold Diggers" An incredible discovery is made near the swamp as Rick, Marty and the team continue digging in the Money Pit in search of the fabled treasure vault, following a path first forged by former U.S. President, Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Season 09, Episode 15 - "Eyes and Boot in the Ground" The team is stunned when new scientific evidence supports the theory that the Knights Templar were involved in the Oak Island mystery, and the big dig uncovers some surprising relics.
Season 09, Episode 14 - "Premier of the Dig" The wait is over; the big dig begins.