
Barbarians (originallly titled Barbaren) is a 2020-2022 German historical war drama streaming television series created by Arne Nolting, Jan Martin Scharf, and Andreas Heckmann for Netflix. The series stars Laurence Rupp, Jeanne Goursaud, David Schutter, Bernhard Schutz, Nicki von Tempelhoff, Ronald Zehrfeld, Nikolai Kinski, Eva Verena Muller, Gaetano Aronica, Valerio Morigi, Urs Rechn, Jeremy Miliker, Sergej Onopko, Mathis Landwehr, Florian Schmidtke, Matthias Weidenhofer, Denis Schmidt, Sophie Rois, and Arved Birnbaum.
Barbarians (Barbaren) is a 2020 German historical action-adventure drama web television series created by Arne Nolting, Jan Martin Scharf, and Andreas Heckmann for Netflix. The show premiered on 23rd October 2020 on Netflix. The series stars Laurence Rupp, Jeanne Goursaud, David Schütter, Bernhard Schutz, Gaetano Aronica, Bence Ferenczi, Tibor Milos Krisko, Jeremy Miliker, Sergej Onopko, and Eva Verena Muller.
A dinner party in a country house that sees four friends come together for a birthday celebration. But as the night progresses secrets emerge and unsettling events begin to unfold around them.
A dinner party in a country house that sees four friends come together for a birthday celebration. But as the night progresses secrets emerge and unsettling events begin to unfold around them.