Derrick Hodge

Run the World is an American comedy television series created by Leigh Davenport. She is co-executive producer with showrunner Yvette Lee Bowser. Set in Harlem, the series centers on a group of friends (portrayed by Amber Stevens West, Andrea Bordeaux, Bresha Webb, and Corbin Reid) navigating relationships and the professional world. Run the World is produced by Lionsgate Television and was ordered by Starz.
With his third record, 2-time Grammy winner Derrick Hodge unleashes his freest work yet. Color of Noize - on Blue Note Records — is the band, the concept, and the album, and if that name evokes more questions than answers for you, then you’re reading it right. The title is perfectly wide-open and inquisitive for a composer, bandleader, and bassist (etc.) with Hodge’s history. Color of Noize reflects a melting pot of influence and experience with jazz flow, hip-hop groove, soulful depth, spiritual uplift, and creative fire — but the concept is best described in more abstract terms.