Krapopolis - Page 2

The Majors - There is a major god opening on Mt. Olympus and Deliria decides to mentor the nerdy minor god Salt for the spot as a way to spite her rival, Athena. When Krapopolis residents start moving to the wilderness to get away from the excess poop problem, Tyrannis makes it his mission to create a box that gets rid of one's number two.
A Krapwork Orange - Hippocampus and Stupendous train an unruly group of town-children and accidentally create an apex predator. Tyrannis mistakenly attends an Anti-Tyrannis rally.
Contagion - Tyrannis and Deliria go up north to find the dragon that is causing a plague; but when Deliria is infected with it, Ty must save his kingdom and his mom. Meanwhile, Hippo works on a cure to save the infected Krapopolis residents.
Buy Low, Sell Ty - With Tyrannis' support, Hippocampus overcomes his imposter syndrome and wins first prize for his invention at Hephaestus-Con, only to learn that Hephaestus selected him for his looks, not his intellect. Rebranding her image into the 'goddess of no hangovers', Deliria unintentionally starts a city-wide drunken riot while Shlub watches, afraid to confront her.
Tyrdra - Tyrannis invites a suicidal Hydra to come live with him and his family. Everyone grows to love her, but Tyrannis comes to regret his decision when she accidentally embroils Krapopolis in chaos.
Ty's Tail Tale - When Tyrannis is possessed by his deceased grandfather who rules with fear and a large scorpion tail, Shlub must fight to bring back the old Tyrannis. After Hippocampus and Stupendous bring a pregnant pegasus home, they release a range of mythical monsters to control the pegasus babies that terrorize the city.
Dungeons and Deliria - Tyrannis struggles with a ruling dilemma when a citizen is ejected from a bar for wearing newly invented pants. Meanwhile, Deliria wreaks havoc on Stupendous' secret quest, only to end up in trouble with a titan. While hunting a monster, Hippocampus ends up sparring with a tree nymph.
Dungeons And Deliria - Tyrannis struggles with a ruling dilemma when a citizen is ejected from a bar for wearing newly invented pants. Meanwhile, Deliria wreaks havoc on Stupendous' secret quest, only to end up in trouble with a titan. While hunting a monster, Hippocampus ends up sparring with a tree nymph.