
Unantastbar is a punk band from South Tyrol founded in 2004.
Unantastbar - A rock band from South Tyrol founded in 2004.
Inviolable was founded in September 2004 by five friends Joachim Bergmeister, Florian Wieser, Thomas Conrater, Mathias Speranza and Christian Heiss in Brixen and has been with the same line-up ever since. The members come from the Brixen and Sterzing area.
Unantastbar was founded in September 2004 by the five friends Joachim Bergmeister, Florian Wieser, Thomas Conrater, Mathias Speranza and Christian Heiss in Brixen and has been in the same line-up ever since. The members come from the Brixen and Sterzing area.