Author integer posts - Page 3

Three children are brought together when their mother refuses to move from a couch in a furniture store.
A modern re-imagining of the infamous Dr. Jekyll from Robert Louis Stevenson's 1886 novella The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Three children are brought together when their mother refuses to move from a couch in a furniture store.
Winner is a brilliant young misfit from Texas who finds her morals challenged while serving in the U.S. Air Force and working as an NSA contractor.
In a not-so-distant future, tech giant Pegazus offers couples the opportunity to share their pregnancies via detachable artificial wombs or pods. And so begins Rachel and Alvy's wild ride to parenthood in this brave new world.
Mission Creep
Back in the Saddle - Dwight and his crew prepare for the opening of their casino and new weed shop but the law comes knocking.
Back in the Saddle - Dwight and his crew prepare for the opening of their casino and new weed shop but the law comes knocking.