Last Seen Alive

Last Seen Alive is a 2022 American action thriller film directed by Brian Goodman and written by Marc Frydman. Formerly known as Chase, the film follows a man who takes the law into his own hands after he begins searching for his missing wife. It was released in the US on 3 June 2022.
Based on the international bestselling novel The Year of Fog by Michelle Richmond, about a mother's search for her missing child.
Based on the international bestselling novel The Year of Fog by Michelle Richmond, about a mother's search for her missing child.
"Chase" stars Gerard Butler as a man whose soon-to-be ex-wife mysteriously vanishes at a gas station. The film delves into the town's criminal underbelly while running from the authorities in a race against time to find her.
"Chase" stars Gerard Butler as a man whose soon-to-be ex-wife mysteriously vanishes at a gas station. The film delves into the town's criminal underbelly while running from the authorities in a race against time to find her.
"Chase" stars Gerard Butler as a man whose soon-to-be ex-wife mysteriously vanishes at a gas station. The film delves into the town's criminal underbelly while running from the authorities in a race against time to find her.