The Spanish Flu
“Spanish Flu” - A book that chronicles the pandemic of the same name which erupted in 1918, how it came about, will give you a better perspective on the present situation so you can deal with it effectively.
If we are open to learning from history, we can avoid repeating it. The current pandemic is the deadliest that we have faced in modern times. Entire countries are experiencing lockdown to avoid more people being infected.
There is a dire need for this informative and timely book that carefully and meticulously details the history of the Spanish Flu and elaborates upon a cohesive response and integrated efforts in response to it.
The Spanish FluPosted in:
In 1918, the Italian-Americans of New York, the Yupik of Alaska, and the Persians of Mashed had almost nothing in common except for a virus - one that triggered the worst pandemic of modern times and had a decisive effect on the history of the 20th century.
The Spanish flu of 1918-1920 was one of the greatest human disasters of all time. It infected a third of the people on Earth - from the poorest immigrants of New York City to the king of Spain, Franz Kafka, Mahatma Gandhi, and Woodrow Wilson. But despite a death toll of between 50 and 100 million people, it exists in our memory as an afterthought to World War I.