The Outpost

Nothing Lasts Forever - Talon and her friends battle against the gods. Janzo, Wren and Munt fight to save the Kahvi. A ruler is crowned.
The Outpost
The Betrayer -
Talon and Luna return to the Outpost with a dubious ally. Garret and Zed attempt to a descent on the Outpost. Meanwhile, Janzo and Wren devise a plan to save the Kahvi and Talon learns about Aster's true plan,

Guardian of the Asterkinj -
Talon and Luna must make a very difficult choice. Meanwhile, Zed returns to the Outpost with a heavy burden.
The Outpost
Something to Live For -
Talon and Luna return to a familiar tomb. Janzo and Wren find themselves in a precarious position. Meanwhile, Zed, Munt and Nedra must play a deadly game against the gods.
The Outpost
The Price of Immortality -
Talon and Zed see ominous visions beneath the Outpost. Garret tests his relationship with Talon. Janzo solves the riddle of an old relic.
The Outpost
The Pleasing Voice of the Masters - Talon and Luna fight against the gods but not all goes as planned. Janzo is reunited with someone from his past. Meanwhile, Garret and Janzo feud over the fate of a prisoner. Lastly, Tobin fights to save Talon.
The Outpost
The Power of the Masters - Talon and Luna recruit an old friend to help them find an ancient key. Tobin and Falista have an extraordinary meeting. Wren and Janzo unleash a menace causing Garret and Zed to go on a hunt.
The Outpost
All We Do is Say Goodbye -
Garret and Luna set out on a rescue mission. Meanwhile, Tobin proves his loyalty and Wren and Janzo discover what lies beneath the Outpost. A quest begins to uncover Luna's past.
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